Paying your bills with a credit card can also give you access to purchase protection, depending on the card. For example, if you pay your internet bill with a credit card and your service cuts out frequently, you could request a chargeback through your credit card company if the provider doesn't give you a refund or discount. Generally speaking, paying your monthly bills by credit card can be a good idea as long as you adhere to two rules: Always pay your balance in full and on time each month. Never put bills on a credit card because you can’t afford to pay them. If you use your credit card to pay bills you can’t afford, you could end up paying a lot in How to Pay Bills With Prepaid Cards. It is difficult to book an airline ticket or a hotel room, buy online or rent a vehicle without a credit card. But what happens if your credit is bad or if you simply don't want a credit card? The answer might be a prepaid credit card. With a prepaid credit card, you deposit